Points System

Winning a game awards you +25 points, while a loss deducts 25 points.

Captain Rules

Rules about captain selection and responsibilities are in effect. For more details, please Read more here.

League Modes

League mode supports CM with queue options including balanced shuffle or draft formats. Read more here.

Leave Ban

Leaving the game prematurely results in penalties. 2 leaves ban 30 days!

Grief Ban

Griefing refers to the act of intentionally disrupting or annoying other players such as going out of your way to ruin the experience for others by trolling, team-killing, blocking progress, spamming, or otherwise being disruptive... It doesn't include mistakes coming from skill difference between players.

The following ban durations apply for grif actions:

  • 1 grif: 4 days ban
  • 2 grif: 10 days ban
  • 3 grif: Season ban.

Misconduct & Sanctions

INAPPROPRIATENESS, deliberate pausing, and insolence result in bans. Additionally, threats lead to an instant BBB (Bad Behavior Ban).

Bad Behavior Ban(BBB) durations

Non grif bans are tied to time rather than seasons. The minimum ban period is year and a half, with a maximum of 3.5 years.