Admin can select a player to be a captain.

If there are exactly two players flagged as captain, they will be captain, (league)MMR sorting is ignored in this case.

Extra Flagged Captains Ignored: If more than two players are flagged as captains, only the top two (by MMR) are used; the others remain available for drafting.

Fallback on (league)MMR: When there aren’t enough flagged players (one or none), it uses the highest (league)MMR from the remaining players to fill in the gap.

Dynamic Captain Management: Our system draft queue enables admins to maintain perfect team balance. Captains can be easily added or removed—if a new high-performing player joins the league, admins can quickly reassign the captain role by removing it from a player who is no longer among the strongest and assigning it to the newcomer.


The balanced shuffle algorithm examines all possible ways to split the list of players into two teams. It calculates the total (league)MMR for each possible division and selects the combination with the smallest difference between teams.

If multiple nearly balanced combinations are found (i.e. with a difference below a set threshold), the algorithm randomly selects one to ensure fairness. This process helps create teams that are as evenly matched as possible.


The bot offers a variety of commands to interact with the league system. Here are the main commands:

  • /help: Displays all available commands and their descriptions.
  • /stats: Shows your personal stats, including (league)MMR, wins, losses, and rank.
  • /signup: Registers you for a game.
  • /signupdraft: Registers you for a draft game.
  • /leave: Removes you from the game queue.
  • /autoscore: Attempts to score a game via the Steam API (use sparingly).
  • /preferredrole: Sets your preferred role(s) for gameplay.
    Example usage: /preferredrole 123 or /preferredrole 1 if you want to play any core, or just a carry.
  • Admin Commands: For users with admin privileges, additional commands are available:
    • /vouch: Vouches for a player.
    • /score: Scores a match.
    • /rehost: Rehosts a game.
    • /clearqueue: Clears the game queue.
    • /cleardraftqueue: Clears the draft queue.
    • /cancelgame: Cancels a game.
    • /markcaptain: Marks a player as captain.
    • /unmarkcaptain: Remove captain role from a player.